hi! hello!
please excuse the mess, this is my first time making a website
you may call me by the alias of "June Victoria" (she/her)
this is a glorified book of thoughts, for when i *have* to share something out on the world wide web
the content will vary, but the forecast says "philosophy and personal views on the world" at 6:30
coding - im no expert in coding, HTML and otherwise, but i like to look at code and learn how it works
drawing - i have been drawing for most of my life! my go-to's for drawing are paint.net and Turbowarp
photography - some say one is capturing the drawings of nature... i don't take photos that much compared to drawing but i've been told to have a keen eye for good photographs
editing - image editing, meme making, shitposting... if i'm not doing anything else, this is (apart from music)
gaming - my current niche of gaming is Source Engine games, such as the Half Life series (accelerated back hopping. look it up, it's nuts!)
music - i like to listen to ALL the music, from snoop dog to the very niche! this very playlist just about summaries my taste in music (you CAN'T FORGET. about King Gizzard. holy shit they make the best music)
writing - i love writing, and i have been brewing a whole storyline (or canon, if you will) for as long as I have been drawing! whether it will be shown here or elsewhere is yet to be seen
tarot - the applications of tarot in writing, to be specific. in spite of the hokey pokey perspectives on it i do like the spiritualism surrounding the activity
feel free to sign the guest book! i would love to hear your response (or advice)
remember...! rude signatures will only affect *you*, not the person you're insulting
keep that in mind... your footprint on the internet is permanent >:)
(what isn't?)
please do enjoy the pretty lights while you wait
i have much to show you :D
about me
make it all pretty (forever ongoing)
yes! if you look at the code this is messy as hell, but i'm not going for cleanness i'm going for efficiency (and fun)
(to be brutally honest i'm just scraping and copying (AND editing.) what i come across into one neat package)
(this is what most people do and it's better to not mask your competence otherwise, it gives you character)
(if you have a problem with that, then that's on you and not me! we all start somewhere :) )
www.w3schools.com - the main crutch of the website, good for the aforementioned copy editing
https://catbox.moe/ - used to store music from a few pages, played via audio embeds
The GIF on the first page originates from this youtube video, by "Lw"
if i forgot to credit someone you may let me know :)